Back to School


15th Night Serves Over 100 Youth at Back to School BBQs

September 15, 2022

We are so excited to share with you that 15th Night was able to help more than 100 youth prepare for the new school year at our Back to School BBQs last month. Thanks to our incredible community of partners and supporters, this year we were able to host TWO BBQs – one in Eugene, and one in Springfield.

The Back to School BBQs were a huge success this year, and we have so many people to thank for that. We had delicious food from Paul Ely’s Kitchen served up by some awesome volunteers from Eugene Metro Rotary. School supplies was donated by A Family For Every Child, as well as some very generous community members. We had a huge selection of brand new shoes for youth to choose from, all thanks to an incredible organization and partner, Soles 4 Souls. Every youth who registered for school or connected to a resource was so excited to receive a gift card donated by Dutch Bros. And how could we ever forget the delicious cookies donated by Palace Bakery?!

We are so grateful to our community partners who showed up to help youth reconnect to school and connect to resources that can help support them throughout the year – Connected Lane County, Looking Glass New Roads, Queer Eugene, and our local McKinney-Ventos. Thank you for joining us for this event and for all that you do to support the youth in our community!

15th Night wrapped up these events feeling filled with gratitude for our community and our partners, and so proud of our Youth Action Council. Thank you to everyone who helped us to make these events such a huge success!